TICKET PRICES from 27th January to 21st June 2024
MÓRA FERENC MUSEUM (Valid for all temporary and permanent exhibitions)
Full price: HUF 2 790
Student, Pensioner**: HUF 1 690
Family (2 parents + 2 children under 18): HUF 6990 (each additional child: HUF 1000)
Service fee for services*: HUF 800
MÓRA FERENC MUSEUM VIEWPOINT (Only valid with Móra Ferenc Museum admission ticket or combined ticket)
Full price: + HUF 900
Student, Pensioner**: + HUF 700
Family (2 parents + 2 children under 18): + HUF 2600
Service fee for services*: + HUF 700
Full price: HUF 1290
Student, Pensioner**: HUF 790
Family (2 parents + 2 children under 18): HUF 3290 (each additional child: + HUF 500)
Service fee for services*: HUF 300
Full price: HUF 1,890
Student, Pensioner**: HUF 1,190
Family (2 parents + 2 children under 18): HUF 4,990 (each additional child: HUF 700)
Service fee for services*: HUF 500
The single service fee price for the services (cloakroom, photo ticket, washroom, etc.) is included in the Full price, Student/pensioner and Family tickets. Its purchase is also mandatory for beneficiary visitors!
* Applies to those who, based on Government Decree 194/2000 (XI. 24), can visit the permanent and temporary exhibitions of museum institutions free of charge.
** Those between 6-26 years old, with a valid student ID OR 62-70 years old, with a valid pensioner's ID card. Includes service charge for services.
*** Payment of service fee is also mandatory for free visitors!

On certain days/events, the above ticket prices may change. Inquiries: +36 62 549 040
If you are entitled to any discount, please let us know in ADVANCE at the ticket office! The discount is only available upon presentation of valid documents confirming it.
Use of the cloakroom is mandatory. The cloakroom fee is included in the entrance ticket, with the exception of the beneficiary entrance ticket.
Photo ticket: included in the ticket, with the exception of the beneficiary ticket. You may only take photos without a flash!
Guide tour (with prior registration): 10,000/venue, maximum 25 people
Guided tour in a foreign language (with prior registration): HUF 15,000/venue, maximum 25 people
Registration for a guided tour: Molnár Nikoletta, molnarnikoletta.mfm@gmail.com or 06-20-317-8120
Museum teaching session: Entrance ticket + HUF 1200/student
School pass: School pass: wpml_nbsp HUF 1,500/student - in the 2023/24 school year
Class pass: HUF 3,000/student - in the 2023/24 school year
Registration for school groups: wilhelm.adel@gmail.com or 70/337-11-02
Other group login: peregi.dora@mfm.u-szeged.hu or 20/230-62-02
Mobile museum teaching session:
45 minutes HUF 25,000/class (45 minutes theoretical session)
2 x 45 minutes HUF 40,000/class (45 minutes theoretical session + 45 minutes craft session)
The following are entitled to free admission to both the permanent and temporary exhibitions:
(Payment of the service fee is also mandatory for free visitors.)
• Everyone under the age of 6;
• Only citizens of EEA member states over the age of 70;
• holders of a professional pass issued by the minister (only citizens of the EEA member states);
• members of the public collection professional organization with at least 400 members (Pulszky Társaság – Hungarian Museum Association, Hungarian Librarians Association, Hungarian Archivists Association), with a membership card valid for the given year (only for citizens of the EEA member states);
• (active) teachers working in public education with a valid teacher's card for the given school year (only if the educational institution is located in the territory of the EEA member states); - cannot be used with ID cards valid for an unlimited period; - In view of the ongoing change in teacher ID cards, for those teachers who do not have a validated old-type teacher ID card, the school/employer has the option of issuing a Certificate, which can be used for the teacher ID card, using a form that can be downloaded from https://igenyles.diakigazolvany.hu/ related discounts are available. Please note that its validity is limited.
• holders of a valid ID based on international agreements (ICOM, ICOMOS);
• holders of a photojournalist ID card;
With a museum worker's certificate belonging to the Association of Hungarian Rural Museums
Free entry for persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities and their companions (max. 1 person per person) are entitled to free entry to all exhibitions as follows:
- holders of a valid photo ID issued by the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,
- holders of a valid identity card of the Hungarian National Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired,
- holders of a valid identity card of the National Federation of Associations of the Disabled,
- holders of an official certificate of receipt of disability support issued by the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK) (with simultaneous proof of identity),
– Disabled members with an ÉFOÉSZ membership card, subject to simultaneous proof of identity (discount not applicable to patron members)
- as well as those who have another document (e.g. a medical certificate requested from MÁK or for other purposes) in which the fact of disability is clearly stated (in addition to the simultaneous proof of identity).
– In the case of an institutional visit, please notify the group's arrival in advance if possible, and also have documents proving the group members' entitlement to a discount. We also accept joint verification of entitlements with an Institutional Declaration if it is sent and confirmed in advance.
– Visit with a card for increased family allowance issued by the Hungarian State Treasury
This card alone does not provide free entry, as this service may be requested by another group. In these cases, we can only accept a certificate establishing the fact of disability. You can read more information about this here: Tajekoztato_MAK_kartyasoknak_MFM
You can visit the permanent exhibitions for free:
(Payment of the service fee is also mandatory for free visitors.)
– A child under 6 years of age
– Disabled person¹ (+ 1 accompanying person)
– Pensioner over 70 year old²
– Public collection and public culture workers ²
- a teacher working in public education with a valid teacher's card or certificate
– Those with an ICOM card
– with the Pulszky Society membership card, Hungarian Librarians Association, Hungarian Archivists Association
– Holders of Tájak Korok Museums Association ID card
– All cross-border Hungarian groups of 10 or more
- Govt. 194/2000 (XI.24.) order. discount can be used on the first Sunday of every month.
– Association of Hungarian Rural Museums with museum professional admission HUNGARIAN RURAL MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION MUSEUM PROFESSIONAL ADMISSION